Order Flow - Contact Details Troubleshooting
If you’re having trouble completing the licensing process online, please review this helpful overview of required fields to make sure you have entered the necessary information during Step 1.
Address and Phone Numbers
All pet owners are required to have an address and phone number on file.
In some cases, your address must be verified, meaning it must be an exact match to a record in the physical address database provided to us by your community.
Seeing a message in red stating “we are unable to validate your address” can be resolved by clicking on the red text itself.
If your address needs to be validated, enter your address where the screen says “start typing to search for address” and when you see your correct address appear in the list, click on the correct entry.
Then click on “Validate Address” to attempt to validate your address. If your selected address is still not accepted by the system, confirm you have selected the correct entry.
If you are unsure if your address is within the jurisdictional boundaries you can contact your local pet licensing organization to find out.
Date of Birth
In some communities, the pet owner's date of birth is required to proceed. Text in red will appear on the screen if this field is required and you have yet provided it. You may click on the red text to edit and save your date of birth. Note that you must be at least 18 years of age to license a pet.
When all required fields on the Contact details page have been provided, the button at the bottom of the screen “Contact Details are Correct” will be blue and you can click to proceed to the next step.
Information requirements differ based on the community and their mandatory licensing requirements. If you are missing the required information, the button to proceed at the bottom of the page will be greyed out.
If you are still having trouble after reviewing the below information, please contact our customer care team for assistance at 1-855-249-1370 (Canada) or 1-877-239-6072 (US).
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